+995 599 513034 | info@monge.ge

Quality and development

Quality and development

Integrated Policy

Quality – Environment – Energy – Food Safety

Monge mission is to product respecting business context in terms of product protection, the protection of the health and safety principles of our employees and the environment and energy.


Monge management identifies in the integrated Policy, the main tool to manage Quality, Security, Environment and Energy management System with a view to continuous performance improvement.

• Guarantee of the alimentary welfare of dogs and cats with products appropriate to their needs.
• The offer of custom products, suitable at every phases of pet grown
• The production of pet-food with high quality and nutritional standards
• Implementation of high standards of control on the products beginning from the raw material receiving, to internal processing, up to the final supply.
• Continuous research and development of new product.
• Transparency with the consumer
• Responsibility and fulfilment of consumer requirements and expectations through:
a) Development of a widespread commercial network present on the territory
b) Adoption of customer service available to consumers
c) Assistance from expert veterinary nutritionists
• Adoption and monitoring of the Food Defence Plan aimed at identifying, mitigating and monitoring sources of intentional contamination
• Guarantee of authenticity of the products through the management system against fraud and adulteration of products.
• Maintaining high standards of cleanliness and control of factories and company areas
• Compliance with national and international regulatory provisions
•Safeguarding the environment and energy through:
a) Reduction of environmental and energy impacts
b) Use of self-produced natural energy resources
•Guarantee of high safety standards to protect the health of staff in the workplace through the production organization, the provision of sufficient and adequate economic and technological resources.
• Implementation of targeted training courses, for the maintenance and improvement of the skills of company personnel and promotion of awareness of the integrated Quality, Environment, Energy and Safety system.
• Minimize the consequences of any environmental impacts, accidents, accidents or occupational diseases through controlled and responsible management of all activities
•Ensure consultation and participation of workers, also through the workers’ safety representative, regarding aspects of safety and health at work
• Creation of a work environment that allows its employees to contribute with satisfaction to the achievement of the Company’s objectives and to recognize and profitably develop their professional skills
• Management’s focus on compliance of contracts with employees working at the organization also from an ethical and moral point of view

To ensure the achievement of the goals and objectives, the following general principles are applied:


  • quality, environment, energy and safety management involves all company functions and activities at all levels, with a view to general responsibility;
  • the objectives and targets are made publicly available through the distribution of this integrated policy and the annual results of the various management reviews;
  • the objectives and targets are progressively achieved through the improvement management programs;
  • the use of machines, plants and equipment, workplaces, operating methods and organizational aspects are designed to safeguard the safety and health of workers, other people and the community in which the company operates;
  • cooperation between the various company resources, collaboration with business organizations and with external bodies in charge are promoted.

Superior quality for all

Monge invests in the professionalism of what it does, its research, product quality and services offered.
Boosted by more than 50 years of experience, the results achieved and the comprehensive range of wet and dry pet food, Monge aims to be the benchmark for the animal feed market in Italy.
Monge products already have the best value for money on the market, a feature that drives the constant growth of each of its brands and gains the loyalty of millions of consumers, not to mention the appetite of their pets. The Monge family plays a hands-on role in each aspect of the company’s operations, personally guaranteeing the palatability of the products.

Innovative technologies for the well being of dogs and cats

Monge products are a guarantee for the well being and nutritional health of dogs and cats.

Monge devotes energy and investments in search of innovative, natural and cruelty-free solutions for the development of its products. Internal Research & Development department defines the recipe formulation for healthy, balanced and complete food for cats and dogs. For some time now the new frontier of pet food is oriented to the study of the needs by breed, size, lifestyles and ages of dogs and cats. This is because each of our little friends has specific needs related to different aspects. Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals and fibre are the precious elements that ensure the growth, development and maintenance of our faithful companions. The researchers of the analysis laboratory search for the best ingredients to create products that contain the right mix of these elements. The result is an ideal diet for every dog and cat. 

Concrete commitment to a sustainable economy

Monge has always favoured policies that are geared to the development of a sustainable economy: 


  • Our tins and trays are endlessly recyclable.
  • 80% of the energy we use is self-produced, thanks to the installation of photovoltaic panels, a cogenerator and a Kawasaki turbine.
  • Over 90% of the steam used in our production processes is obtained by heat recovery from the cogenerator and the turbine.
  • Our factory is heated entirely by hot water generated by heat recovered from a continuous steriliser and the turbine.
  • Most of the waste produced by our factory is separated by type and sent for recycling.
  • Our fleet of trucks is expanding to include vehicles fuelled by liquid methane gas.

EAFRD – European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe invests in rural areas.

Programme of rural development 2014-2020

Measure 4
Operation 4.2.1

Description of the project: Technological innovation of the filling and sealing process of paté in 100g single-portion trays.


The investment is intended to improve the quality and enhance the production of the paté in 100g single-portion trays, to develop in particular products with a single protein source, such as chicken monoprotein, to support a wet pet food market trend which gives preference to this kind of food.
Thanks to the new technologies in accordance with the “Industry 4.0” model the implementation of the project will allow to improve the ordinary and extraordinary management of the production, starting from a new production structure able to respond to the evolution of the market without compromising on quality, increasing the integration between production, storage, logistics and distribution, in line with the technological and digital development taking place in the production site of Monasterolo di Savigliano.


Total cost: € 2,000,000.00
of which EAFRD funding: € 344,960.00



Description of the project: Technological innovation in the manufacture and packaging processes of paté in 400g tins and single-portion trays and chunks in single-portion doypacks.


The investment programme is intended exclusively for certain specific types of wet products, in particular patés packaged in single-portion trays or in tins of up to 400g in weight, and chunks packaged in single-portion doypacks.
The project is specifically aimed at the innovation of the technologies and production systems for some of the firm’s key products, and is intended to optimise the use of plant and production flows and limit costs, as these are essential conditions for planning longer-term strategies in order to bring positive consequences for the sector, for employment and for the development of the huge area of associated activities (logistics, distribution, services, etc).


Total cost: € 1,500,000.00
of which EAFRD funding: € 258,720.00

