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A big news

A big news

In the coming weeks there will be big news in the MONGE world. This picture presents the heroes of the story we are about to tell you.? Let’s meet them.

Sweet Andy, whose real name is A Midsummer Night Dream Gjkennel’s, is only two years old, but he has already given great satisfaction to “his mom and dad” Linda Carioni and Andrea Rotary. Andy is in competition for the title of Italian Champion “TOP DOG 2015”, organized by Italian Kennel Club and today is the best Australian Shepherd in Italy.

Cuddly cat Pantalaimon, called Pan, a name inspired by the book “”Northern Lights” (published as “The Golden Compass” in USA) by Philip Pullman. His owner Stefania Strumia from Dog Training School (Baulab ASD) chose this name because Pan REPRESENTS HER “Daemon”, the animal that always follows her as a soul guide.

In the picture there are two other “special friends” with our cubs. They enchanted us with their smiles and professionalism: Marta di Matteo, actress, model and student, and Ramon Branda, actor and dancer

What else to say … we thank to all the protagonists and stay tuned to discover their adventures together. #monge_official, #mongefriends

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